Using as a platform the cross-school and inter-disciplinary International Master’s Program for Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS-University System of Taiwan), we aim to build an “Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Global Network.” Through the network, we encourage exchange visits from international students to the IACS program and to all the UST member institutes. In the long run, we hope these efforts generate widespread interest both in the IACS program and the TEEP project.

We plan to engage the faculties of the UST member institutes in collaboration on Inter-School Workshop, Winter Camp, Independent Study Internship, and other Taiwan experience-enhancing activities.
We place our focus on reinforcing collaboration with partner institutes worldwide, such as Cornell University, UCLA, UC-Irvine, The University of Tokyo, Chung-Ang University in Seoul, etc.
We seek to increase collaborative opportunities with research institutes based in Southeast Asia.
We intend to strengthen connections with current organizers of the "Taiwan Studies Project ", research centers for Chinese Studies, and institutes for East Asia Studies across Europe and North America.
All advertisements for IICS/IACS-organized events will include promotional information about the TEEP project.

Independent Study Internship
Independent Study Internship is an internship program that offers international exchange students opportunities for a 2 to 4-month stay in Taiwan. Provided with short term courses, independent-study supervision, research resources, and chances of local field trips, successful applicants to the program can expect access to various UST-affiliated institutes, including Taiwan Film Institute, many art galleries, museums, community-based organizations, Social Movement organizers, NGOs, print and Internet media.

Winter Camp
The International Winter Camp, jointly undertaken by the UST member universities, is focused on the theme “Decoding the Cold War the Facing Contemporary Societies” in 2016. This particular event aims to discuss the shared experiences in the East Asian region. Offering lectures by world-class scholars and local field trips, the event is a small-scale program designed for 20-40 graduate or PhD students. It has called for applications from around the globe, and particularly from East Asian countries.

The International Institute for Cultural Studies (IICS) and the Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University will hold a 3-5 day bilateral academic workshop for graduate students and professors. Professors in affiliated programs at other universities will lead their graduate students to Taiwan for a short-term stay. They are invited to exchange thoughts and experiences with local academic researchers. Thereafter, IICS hopes that the workshop participants can advertise such academic exchange activities for future projects of transnational cooperation, or, even better, recommend outstanding graduate students to pursue a master's degree or a Ph.D. degree at the Institute or the University System of Taiwan. The number of participants in each bilateral academic workshop is estimated to be 20.