2018 FUTH Summer School - Photos and Videos are uploaded!
We had great days in 2018 winter school! Photos and videos are uploaded. Please feel free to check : ) Link: http://iics.nctu.edu.tw/zh_t...

2017 Winter Camp - Photos and Videos are uploaded!
We had great days in 2017 winter camp! Photos and videos are uploaded. Please feel free to check : ) Link: http://iicsust2013.wixsite.com...

2017 TEEP-UST Winter Camp Workshop "Conflict and Justice: Precarious Bodies in Inter-Asia Socie
Conflict and Justice: Precarious Bodies in Inter-Asia Societies Winter Camp Workshop Hsinchu, Taiwan January 16-20, 2017 Application...

Independent Study Internship in Taiwan: TEEP ─The Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Global Network
Independent Study Internship in Taiwan: Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) ─The Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Global Network...

The farmer of the future will improve sustainable agriculture
The 5-day Taiwan Education Experience Program (TEEP) “De-Coding the Cold War and Contemporary Societies” which was held in National...

(聯合新聞網)多國青年走訪台灣 看見眷村和食農教育
學員們前往新竹市水源社區拜訪「沺源青」食農創客工作室,看見食農教育規劃。圖/交大提供 台灣聯合大學系統亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程(IACS-UST)暨交大社會與文化研究所,日前舉辦2016 TEEP-UST冬令營,邀請來自世界各國青年走訪台灣,這項課程內容透過跨領域交流,...

2016 TEEP-UST冬令營 圓滿結束
台灣聯合大學系統亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程(IACS-UST)暨國立交通大學社會與文化研究所,於2016年1月11日至15日,假國立交通大學人社二館,舉辦「2016 TEEP-UST冬令營」。 冬令營主題De-Coding the Cold War and Facing...